Student Handbook
Each enrolled student will receive a hardcopy of the Student Handbook before the first day of classes. This resource includes an in depth description of student policies, grading criteria, dismissal policies, appeals process, and other procedures and information pertinent to the clinical year. Prospective students interested in reviewing this publication may request, via e-mail, a digital version of the Student Handbook.
Attendance Policy
Attendance is mandatory and the student is expected to maintain a professional attitude concerning work ethic in attendance and be flexible to the schedules of the laboratory departments, instructors and personnel. Tardiness is not tolerated.
Personal Leave / Sick Time
A student is allotted five days of Personal Leave to be used as sick or personal time. If possible, a personal day should be scheduled in advance with the Education office. Absences beyond five days of Personal Leave will result in grade penalties further outlined in the Student Handbook. Students are responsible for making-up any missed work and excessive absences may result in disciplinary action.
Dress Code
An in depth dress code is provided in the Student Handbook. Attire suitable for a patient-service environment is expected, including scrub-type uniforms (any color) and a conservative, professional appearance. Shoes or sneakers must be rubber soled and cover the entire foot. Personal appearance must be neat and clean at all times.
Disposable lab coats needed for specimen handling or patient care are provided by the hospital. A personal, professional lab coat (white or colored) is optional.
Identification Badge
For legal and safety issues, UPMC Chautauqua requires all of its employees and students to wear photo identification badges. UPMC Chautauqua provides the badge which identifies you by photo, name and position to patients, visitors, and employees. You are the only one authorized to wear the badge and it must be worn and visible at all times. The badge must be returned when you leave.
Academic Dismissal
A policy of care and compassion toward each student is followed at Medical Laboratory Science Program. A student’s academic progress along with their professionalism is monitored by the education staff, with help and counseling provided. However, a student may be dismissed at anytime during the internship year for gross misconduct or gross academic failure. See the Student Handbook for additional information related to dismissals and the process of appeal.
Students may be dismissed from the Program for the following reasons:
- Academic Incompetence
A student who does not demonstrate the potential to perform at a level of competence consistent with the welfare of the patient will be dismissed from the program. For purposes of student performance evaluations, this level has been established at a minimum of 75% for Rotation I and a minimum of 70% for Rotation II. See Completion Criteria and Clinical Probation for more information. - Breech of Conduct
A student who engages in actions consistent with the activities specifically identified under “Breach of Conduct” as defined in the hospital Policy Manual or those described in the Student Handbook. - Dismissal for Absenteeism
A student will be dismissed for blatant disregard of the attendance policies or excessive absence.